Friday, January 17, 2020

Software: The choice to Update or Not

In the wonderful World of modern technology almost everyone has electronic equipment that is comprised of a selection of 'off the shelf' modules, sub-assemblies and other hardware that works together to perform specific tasks. Many of these devices are often reliant on Software to make the hardware operate the way we want it to.

Software Updates or Upgrades usually fix bugs and improve the way a device operates, often adding new features or functions improving the end users experience and enjoyment of the device.

Having the latest release or most up to date version is usually a good thing, but not always.

There are occasions when a certain software version does everything we need it to and works very well. Then an update appears that seems to be a step backwards. Changing the way the device works making it more awkward to use. Removing useful features that worked perfectly well. Making the device slower or unstable due to additional fancy graphics increasing processor load (wasting energy on battery powered devices) or bloating the software and wasting memory with functions we do not actually need or use. I believe that functionality and efficiency are far more important than making things look pretty. 

Most of the time if we do not like the latest version we can go back to using the older version, But not always...

Sometimes we are forced to update or upgrade with no choice to keep the older version that worked for us. Fortunately most of the time it is up to the end user when/if they want to upgrade/update to the latest version.  I personally tend to look at new versions of software (and firmware) read release notes and information presented by the programmers or producer of the software and wait until I see or hear feedback from other users before deciding whether I want to try the newer version myself.

It is always nice to have the choice to upgrade or Not.
Giving end users the option to wait until most of the bugs are ironed out and any new features or functions are proved to work properly and actually be useful is a good thing. Especially when the software producer/programmer only provides the latest version with no option to roll-back to the older version if You do not like the new one!


I also use Android based devices (both home based and portable/mobile Network Radio equipment) and had issues in the past with the Google Play-Store automatically updating applications that turned out to be much worse than the older version I had been using.
I have turned OFF auto-update in the Play-Store and only update after doing a bit of research to find out what changes have been made, reading other users reports of the new versions behaviour and when possible speaking to others who are using the latest version before deciding whether to try it or not. This has saved me a lot of trouble when a supposed update or upgrade turned out to be a downgrade with more problems than the version it replaced.

There are a few key apps I use daily that could be thought of as 'out of date'. The newer versions have changed a lot, added fancier graphics, incresed latency, become less stable and removed specific functions I require for correct operation of some devices. Fortunately I have been able to re-install the older version that works properly with all the functions and features I need.

 With Android Apps it is a good idea to keep a backup copy of the .apk file for an app before trying the latest updated version. This makes it much easier to go back to the version that worked before.

To Update or Not ?   As an end user the choice should be Yours.

73 de Hairy Paul.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Digi-Mode Interface on the cheap: Arduino Nano VOX BOX

There are many 'digi mode interfaces' available that require a Serial port to control PTT on the radio.
As most modern PCs do not have a proper Serial port on them A USB to Serial adaptor is required in order to get PTT / TX control to work.

BEWARE: Many cheap (and some not so cheap) USB-Serial converters/adapters only provide very basic Data IN and OUT serial lines with NO hardware flow control support. If You do get a digi-mode interface that needs a serial port and intend to purchase a USB-Serial unit make sure it does actually have fully working CTS/RTS/DTR etc hardware flow control before You buy or You will end up with a Serial device that will Not work with Your interface!

Of course there are 'digi mode interfaces' available that only require a USB connection to the PC but they tend to be rather expensive. (even the older ones that use a Serial port are not particularly cheap)  If funds are tight, or You just don't want to pay over the odds for a simple interface unit there are much cheaper ways to set up your PC and radios for digi mode operation.

Home Brew Digi-Mode Interfacing.

Working FT8 (and other digi modes) can be quite easily achieved with only simple audio cables connecting the radio and PC and manually switching TX/RX.  I have used good quality shielded cable with 600ohm audio isolating transformers in line to ensure there are no potential difference / ground loop issues between radio and PC.

Using this very basic setup on both radios I worked 500+ stations in 50+ countries but it did become tedious manually operating the TX toggle button on the radios. (MOX button on FT 707 and TRANSMIT button on Icom IC-756) 

As I had an Arduino Nano doing nothing I decided to use it to make a VOX BOX that would use the audio output from the PC to control TX / RX on the radios with more accurate timing than pushing buttons on the radios manually.
 A socket on the rear of the radios is used to feed received audio from the radio into an external USB sound card and accept audio input from the same USB sound device on the PC.  

Feeding Audio into the Arduino Nano.

The audio LINE OUT from the PC is connected to the radio but it is also connected through a capacitor to a simple potential divider circuit comprising of two resistors which feeds into an analogue input on the Arduino Nano via a second capacitor. This effectively gives the Arduino a relatively smooth LINE level audio input at a decent level that is easy to handle by reading the analog input pin voltage on the Arduino. There is also a resistor from the input pin to ground that 'bleeds off' the charge from the second capacitor when the audio input stops, this ensures the Arduino reacts rapidly to the input level drop when the audio output from the PC stops.

NOTE: On the Arduino Nano board the command analogReference(INTERNAL) sets the reference voltage for analog input pins to 1.1V instead of  the default analogReference(DEFAULT) that uses the on-board regulator voltage (+5v) for the analog input reference voltage. 
Using analogReference(INTERNAL) as the voltage reference provides more accurate level sensing for standard audio LINE LEVEL input (1.1V Peak to Peak) 
You MUST read the Arduino documentation for Your specific Arduino device carefully before using the reference voltage commands. The analogReference control is NOT the same on all Arduino boards.

How Arduino VOX BOX controls the radio.

When WSJT-X / JTDX or other digimode software on the PC sends Audio out, the Arduino 'hears' it and sets a Digital Output pin HIGH. (+5V) This pin drives a 2N2222A transistor via a current limiting resistor that simply switches the PTT pin on ACC socket of the radio to Ground. This puts the radio into TX mode.
The Arduino also illuminates a red LED on the board when the output pin is set HIGH giving clear indication when TX is enabled.
The program sets the Digital Output pin LOW (0V) when the audio input drops below a set threshold level. This turns OFF the output transistor switch returning the radio to RX mode.

I included a single pole latching switch (ON/OFF) that disconnects the electrical connection between the Arduino VOX BOX and PTT pin on the radio ACC socket to guard against any possible accidental TX. This is handy when testing and adjusting the program on the Arduino and You don't want it to actually transmit 'on air'. 

Programming the Arduino.

If You only wish to use FT8 mode a really simple program in the Arduino can be used to 'listen' for audio input and Hold the radio in TX mode for 14 seconds by keeping the Digital Output pin HIGH and then switching it LOW when the timer runs out putting the radio back into RX mode.

To make the VOX BOX more flexible for modes that use different operating time periods the Arduino is programmed to set the Digital Output pin HIGH when audio above a set threshold is applied to the Analog Input. It then keeps checking the Analog Input level and sets the Digital Output pin LOW when the incoming audio drops below a set threshold level for longer than a defined delay time.  

It would be easy to add features to this simple unit to make a multi-mode, multi purpose user adjustable VOX BOX. 
Adding rotary controls (variable resistors/pots) connected to analogue input pins on the Arduino to provide easy manual adjustment of the threshold levels for TX and RX switching. A third rotary control could be used to adjust the delay time and another could be used to adjust the audio input level if required. 
The Arduino program can be made to read the voltage level of each pot and set a variable for the threshold levels and delay time accordingly. This would make the Arduino VOX BOX easily adjustable to suit different radios, PCs and modes requiring VOX control. With the addition of a small microphone audio amplifier You could even use the VOX BOX for 'hands free' operation when using Voice / Phone modes (Would be handy if You have a radio that does not have its own built in VOX function)

: I have now worked over 900 stations in 78 countries and I am enjoying FT8 mode much more since the VOX BOX controls TX/RX switching with perfect timing every time. :-) 

Grab an Arduino and have some fun.
73 de MM7WAB 'Hairy' Paul